Dedicated to my 2nd family(Friends)

Hope you all are enjoying this new year’s fresh start. I’m trying something new today i.e. January 2, 2018 so your support or criticism both are equally accepted.

What’s the better way to start with a quote Average of The Five People You Spend the Most Time With” for a new year’s blog? The most wanted perfect group that we all have.

Yep I believe that I’m average of my 5 friends (by both sides of the coin) that’s what I’m going to explain in this blog.

Start with 1st person, he’s my friend since my junior college and the qualities which I’ve similar with him are being a leader, enjoying life, not giving much importance to small things, keep moving on, kindness for the needy people or even animals, courage for taking risk and there are many more qualities. The other side of the coin for him is short-tempered nature, always want things work according to him, laziness, impulsive, rude …

Good qualities I’ve like 1st person -- Leadership, enjoying the life and keep moving on.

Other side -- Laziness, impulsiveness.

2nd friend is like very mood swingy person which but I’m being very honest he’s going to be the most successful person of the group, you just need to start it with sparkle bro, fire is waiting for you. His positive side includes being honest, fearless, intelligent, precise, confident, helpful, …

According to me his other side includes sometimes malicious, surly, being Quarrelsome, limited procrastination, not giving 100%, …

Good qualities came from 2nd person -- Confident, being honest and helpful

The other side -- Procrastinating, malicious.

3rd friend is not very active nowadays but plays a major role in our group. All the best buddy for your work and you’ve to prove it to yourself. The hulk of our group have some crazy habits like lying to himself, not giving even 50% to his work, fear of failure, self-centered cultured,…

He poses some good habits also that are being observant, affable encouraging, humble and my friend you’re capable enough for achieving your dreams just stick to it.

Coin Head like him -- Capable, humbleness and affable.

& Tails -- lying to myself sometimes and fear of failure.

4th one is really interesting man I’ve only one word to say about the positive head that is “PATEINCE”, honestly speaking in my entire life I haven’t met a person who have this level of patience, salute to you bro.

Don’t worry this is just one positive thing about you and list of negatives you’ve is never-ending but for the sake of it I’m listing some of the them,  bad-ass procrastination, highly lazy person, tardiness, …

Well the only good quality that I can take from him is patience.

Negative side I can say -- procrastinating & tardiness.

5th person is like kapil sharma of the group. Not much to say about him just one thing that I can learn from you is sense of humor. Overall you’re great person and all the best for your plans.

This is it for top 5 people who affect my life, apart from them I would love to mention my other friends who are still part of my life and played a role in my life. The code names for you try to find your codename and message me,

* Chadi-buddies (2 of them) thanks for being there for me from school time.

* Confused spirit, stop wasting your time and do something bro.

* The difficult to understand man- 12th k time sahi decision lia hota to aj mazze karta, ab b der nai hui hai bhai kar sakta h bahut kuch.

* Ambivert girl – Hello, old friend I still remember you and all the fun we had, looking forward meet you someday and we will have fun.

* Secret Keeper girl – Hope you’re enjoying your life and yes you’re the Miss. Doctor Strange( Missing the night-outs)

* Crazy girl – You’re playing big part of my life and hope to listen your long talks everyday in this new year.

* Techie girl- You’re the type of person which sits in my imaginative perfect container, hope           we’ll work together on some projects before you fly.

*Gamer Guy- Bro stop Wasting your time and do some productive work, You're capable enough for achieving your dreams

*Accounting guy - Bro Thanks for your help and hope to see you as a future CA All the best. 

 *Virtual Girl-- yes calling it so is totally justified, we've talked so much but not met in real life

* Anonymous– Yes bro we’re not in touch from years and I apologize for my mistake and  looking forward to see your work as a professor. 

Sorry to others, whom I forgot to mention you deserve a big THANKS for being part of MY book called LIFE.

Waiting for your Feedback, feel free to contact me
( on 9850024283) at any given time, I’ll give my 100% to help you.



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